Privacy Policy

1.1 Thank you for visiting our website. Below we will inform you about how to handle yours personal data when using our website.Personal Data- This includes all data with which you can be personally identified.
1.2 Person responsible for data processing on this website within the meaning of
General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is Shop Name, which is responsible for processing.
The person responsible for personal data is the natural or legal entity. Person who, alone or jointly with others, decides on the purposes and means of the Processing of personal data decides.
1.3 This website is used for security reasons and to protect transmission
personal data and other confidential content (e.g. orders or
Inquiries to the person responsible) an SSL or. TLS encryption. You can
an encrypted connection using the string “https://” and the lock symbol
recognize in your browser line.
When using our website for informational purposes only, i.e. if you are not
register or otherwise provide us with information, we only collect this information
Data that your browser transmits to our server (so-called “server log files”). If you
When you access our website, we collect the following data, which is technical for us
required to show you the website:
Our visited website
Date and time at the time of access
Amount of data sent in bytes
Source/reference from which you came to the page
Browser used Operating system used IP address used (if necessary: in anonymized form)
Processing is carried out in accordance with Article 6 Paragraph 1 Letter f of the GDPR on the basis of ours legitimate interest in improving the stability and functionality of our website. The data will not be passed on or used in any other way.
However, we reserve the right to subsequently check the server log files
There are concrete indications of illegal use.
To make visiting our website attractive and the use of certain
To enable functions, we use so-called on various pages Cookies. These are small text files that are stored on your device become. Some of the cookies we use will expire after the end of the Browser session, i.e. after closing your browser, is deleted again (so-called session cookies). Other cookies remain on your device and enable us or our partner companies (third-party cookies), your browser when
to recognize your next visit (persistent cookies). If cookies are set, they collect and process certain user information on an individual basis, such as browser and location data as well as IP address values. Persistent cookies are automatically deleted after a specified period of time, which varies depending on the cookie
can differentiate.
Some cookies are used to save settings
To simplify the ordering process (e.g. remembering the contents of a virtual shopping cart for a later visit to the website). If implemented individually by us
Cookies also process personal data in accordance with Art. 6 Para. 1 lit. b GDPR either to implement the contract or in accordance with Art. 6 Para. 1 lit. f GDPR to protect our legitimate interests in the the best possible functionality of the website as well as a customer-friendly and effective one Design of the page visit.
We may work with advertising partners to help us deliver our to make our website more interesting for you. For this purpose, if you visit our website, you may also receive cookies from partner companies on your website
Hard drive stored (third-party cookies). If we use the aforementioned
If you work with advertising partners, you will be informed about the use of such cookies and the scope of the information collected in each case within the following paragraphs informed individually and separately.
Please note that you can set your browser so that you can use the be informed about the setting of cookies and decide individually whether to accept them
or you can exclude the acceptance of cookies for certain cases or in general.
Each browser differs in the way it manages cookie settings.
This is described in the help menu of each browser, which explains how
You can change your cookie settings. You can find these for each one
Browser at the following links:
Internet Explorer: Firefox

Free Shipping

Our shipping is quick, reliable and careful. We ensure that your order arrives safely and on time so that you can quickly enjoy your new purchases.

Customer service

Customer Service is available Monday - Friday from 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. and on Weekends from 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. We are here for you, no matter what day of the week.

Secure payments

We offer various secure payment options including credit card and PayPal. Choose the method that suits you best and pay for your purchases easily. If you have any questions, please contact our customer service team.